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Since that day

Since that day in May, It was hot in sun ray, As I saw you by my side, I felt a passionate tide In me. It has been months back, We are friends for namesake, Whatsapp chatting and floating SMS, You suggest sometimes downloading Netflix, Only. Are you so simpl...

Listed by Mahendra Nath Maharana 3 years ago
Big Ride

You wanna catch that big ride Not to hide from all those times Flying by from the past that lasted in mind That big ride to cure all da pain Got this chance to smooth over the holes Craters he left me with no goals What I had to see what I had to face Forget what I ha...

Listed by Nina Kim 25 days ago
SLip her 8

Feeeling basic, feeling needy, but stopping just short-- of greedy, things were frightening, cased in lightning, sounding loud, like a clap from a thunder cloud, Saying prayer's , askin for blessings in many layers, Im wondering if God hear's me, Then an angel come's nea...

Listed by Freddy Capelle Jr 2 years ago
I'm not your angel inspired by Bonnie and Clyde

I'm not your angel Heaven sent To save you Is not my intent I'm no saint And I'm no messiah here to guide you To the light I'm not god You would not want to worship me anway cause I would lead you astray you told me you could make all my dreams come true so I...

Listed by JES 1 year ago
Not Done Yet

So many years you and I We had no clue when we said let’s give it a try We were both pretty young when we decided on this Was it our first encounter, that special first kiss? All I know is we’re so far from being done Our love is so strong we’ve got this one Our lo...

Listed by Barbara Poor 3 years ago
End of time

The scene is set. Sitting at mom's bedside. Holding her hand and saying goodbye.. I have learned life is short. Love your family and friends till the end. She was not suffering when she took her last breath, Happy memories flooded in of her made up words and singing her funny...

Listed by Laura J Alberts 1 year ago
A Picture

A Picture Renee’ M Jones Late night talks of what might have been, If only people didn’t get in our way back then. Reminiscing of the past, and where I saw you last; Dancing with you under the stars as a stranger, I felt as if I knew you then. (Chorus) You were t...

Listed by Renee Jones 4 years ago
Life poem

mind floods with things and sings of a possible dream that brings my heart to a place with the sound of i dont know cant say how do i show u and bring back a decent anwser and poise when noise is in the air like a ring on the mobile dial for a while when can it pause and when ...

Listed by mcdavidlee3 4 years ago

(Intro) Yea baby let me see that pompa yea (Verse) Sabes que senorita vente pa ca and chupale a mi paleta come on mamasita vente pa ca en mi cama we can have sex all night long and record it on my camera I will have you screaming all night long like oooh papa because I will...

Listed by Steven Flores 2 years ago
Poor Democracy

I shake my head at the screen As rioters lose their minds My insides boil with rage As the Capitol splits in two Violent, far-right, neo-Nazi Fighting, shooting, very bloody Violent, far-right, neo-Nazi Poor democracy Five people lose their lives All because of on...

Listed by Abdoul Hakeem 3 years ago

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  • courtneye
    The Marketplace is a fantastic platform for discovering new lyrics, connecting with talented writers, and bringing creative visions to life. Highly recommended for anyone in the music industry!
    LikeReply 11 month ago

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“The new marketplace is realy exciting — specifically its great networking features for artists, and the potential to sell lyrics for development.”

Sylvia Robertson, Kentucky USA