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Keep Moving Forward

You’ve heard the words raise a little hell Get up get out and don’t be afraid to yell Use your voice to make some noise Say what you want and no need for poise keep moving forward and don't you look back keep moving forward and no time to kick back Bring your excitem...

Listed by Sati Rana 2 years ago

Start believing start achieving make me happier so proud start believing start achieving make it happen now your aloud Your bright Your loved and your kisses they guide me through with sound but I say dreams you posses they put me to a test down with...

Listed by Simona M Harper 3 years ago
Only God Knows Why

Verse 1 I miss you, I do I miss your love too I miss all the things that made you, you Only God knows How this story goes He took your life and left me all alone Pre-Chorus I ain't mad at him, I still got you in my heart There's just one thing That's been t...

Listed by Emilee Martin 1 year ago
Not Done Yet

So many years you and I We had no clue when we said let’s give it a try We were both pretty young when we decided on this Was it our first encounter, that special first kiss? All I know is we’re so far from being done Our love is so strong we’ve got this one Our lo...

Listed by Barbara Poor 3 years ago

FUCK YOGA! We've been friends forever. But before you were thoughtful and clever. But lately, it's been more affliction and no affection! Now we REALLY have a bad connection! Your answer to everything is the same: I've got my self to blame! For not exercising, especially y...

Listed by Lisa Lilliehöök 5 years ago
No sonaba una canción

No sonaba una canción no encontraba mi lugar no hallaba un camino no sabía donde estar vacio que atrapa mi corazón, no me deja respirar. Y quise huir hacia ningún lugar, buscando donde mis manos dibujaran en el aire un camino, donde mis ojos respiraran libertad. Me ...

Listed by Juan Manuel Díaz García 11 months ago
cheat and repeat

cheat Im sorry, I wont cheat over and over repeat cheat, Im sorry, I wont cheat over and over, repeat When you leave my body shakes pit of doom and it aches my heart is frozen it cant beat all I think is you will cheat cheat im sorry I wont cheat over and over, repe...

Listed by Adrienne Wakabayashi 2 years ago
I don’t know what the fuck go do

I don’t know what to do. Everything in my life is screwed I thought on going to school but it turned I’m in shity pool. Tried my way working hard. But the dough is not to enough bake a dime.

Listed by Amgad wawi 10 months ago

I hope that somebody out there Will truly love you one day Maybe more or less as I do Maybe your angels can guide you Maybe you think of us in your dreams Maybe your soul looks for love, it seems Maybe your days are too busy now Keeping yourself going somehow And...

Listed by Daniela Hlucha 3 years ago
The Fire is Burning

Outside it is raining, you won't hear me complaining Inside a fire is blazing. Got my warmth inside and it's raging. Got it all locked down with pride, In Content town around me outside. Proud of knowing though it's raining, I can spend these many odd days in. So let i...

Listed by E Lloyd Kelly 2 years ago

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“The new marketplace is realy exciting — specifically its great networking features for artists, and the potential to sell lyrics for development.”

Sylvia Robertson, Kentucky USA
