Song parody of
by Heartrest
Here's where you get creative! Use our cool song parody creator to make a totally new musical idea and lyrics for the Secrets song by Heartrest.
Simply click on any word to get rhyming words suggestion to use instead of the original ones. You may also remove or alter entire lines if needed — when you're done save your work and share it with our community — have fun!
My secrets are buried within
But I don't know why that is
The door is open wide
'Cause I don't care what you know
How can it be that this world goes round
I wanna see it all come down
Tell me all there is untold
I don't care at all
Tell me all there is to know
'Cause I won't remember anything
How can it be that this world goes round
I wanna see it all come down
The secret's coming out
Everything you know is wrong
How can it be that this world goes round
I wanna see it all come down
How can it be that this world goes round
I wanna see it all come down
My secrets are buried within
But I don't know why that is
The door is open wide
'Cause I don't care what you know
How can it be that this world goes round
I wanna see it all come down
Tell me all there is untold
I don't care at all
Tell me all there is to know
'Cause I won't remember anything
How can it be that this world goes round
I wanna see it all come down
The secret's coming out
Everything you know is wrong
How can it be that this world goes round
I wanna see it all come down
How can it be that this world goes round
I wanna see it all come down