Song parody of
by Me mark adebayo
Here's where you get creative! Use our cool song parody creator to make a totally new musical idea and lyrics for the Blessing song by Me mark adebayo.
Simply click on any word to get rhyming words suggestion to use instead of the original ones. You may also remove or alter entire lines if needed — when you're done save your work and share it with our community — have fun!
Mama told me am a blessing
Mama said am a blessing
So I no want nobody to streess me
My life get as e be oh get as e be
Have been searching for money
But money no wan pick
No one pick
My dreams just dey increase
Have been on d road for d long time
Remember when I no get any dime ooooooooooo
Baba baba yu choose me to be a blessing
Baba life is stressing
Omo am retired for this journey
Life just dey do me cunning
Dem no fit help dem go just dey tell u sorry
No worry
Omo omo omo omo
Baba pick my calling
Me too want to chop life
As if nobody send me
Mama told me am a blessing
Mama said am a blessing
So I no want nobody to streess me
My life get as e be oh get as e be
Have been searching for money
But money no wan pick
No one pick
My dreams just dey increase
Have been on d road for d long time
Remember when I no get any dime ooooooooooo
Baba baba yu choose me to be a blessing
Baba life is stressing
Omo am retired for this journey
Life just dey do me cunning
Dem no fit help dem go just dey tell u sorry
No worry
Omo omo omo omo
Baba pick my calling
Me too want to chop life
As if nobody send me