Song parody of
Maire I Don't Love You
by Power of Dreams
Here's where you get creative! Use our cool song parody creator to make a totally new musical idea and lyrics for the Maire I Don't Love You song by Power of Dreams.
Simply click on any word to get rhyming words suggestion to use instead of the original ones. You may also remove or alter entire lines if needed — when you're done save your work and share it with our community — have fun!
Maire is feeling so happy now
So sure of what she has got
Turns and looks at her lover
When will we tie the knot?
John's the man of her dreams
From the age of seventeen
But he's no longer certain
But he's no longer sure
It took two years
It took two years for the making
Then just one day
Then just one day for the breaking
Maire I don't love you
John is feeling so sick now
Indecisions set in
Maire once was his true love
Now he's guilty as sin
Doesn't want to go to the altar
Doesn't want to have to get married
Maire tells him she's pregnant
What a mess he is in
It took two years
It took two years for the making
Then just one day
Then just one day for the breaking
Maire I don't love you
Is he going to marry out of conscience?
Is he going to marry out of fear?
Is he going to make all the wrong mistakes?
Then watch his life disappear?
It took two years
It took two years for the making
Then just one day
Then just one day for the breaking
Maire I don't love you
Maire is feeling so happy now
So sure of what she has got
Turns and looks at her lover
When will we tie the knot?
John's the man of her dreams
From the age of seventeen
But he's no longer certain
But he's no longer sure
It took two years
It took two years for the making
Then just one day
Then just one day for the breaking
Maire I don't love you
John is feeling so sick now
Indecisions set in
Maire once was his true love
Now he's guilty as sin
Doesn't want to go to the altar
Doesn't want to have to get married
Maire tells him she's pregnant
What a mess he is in
It took two years
It took two years for the making
Then just one day
Then just one day for the breaking
Maire I don't love you
Is he going to marry out of conscience?
Is he going to marry out of fear?
Is he going to make all the wrong mistakes?
Then watch his life disappear?
It took two years
It took two years for the making
Then just one day
Then just one day for the breaking
Maire I don't love you