Song parody of
Bring You Down
by Power of Dreams
Here's where you get creative! Use our cool song parody creator to make a totally new musical idea and lyrics for the Bring You Down song by Power of Dreams.
Simply click on any word to get rhyming words suggestion to use instead of the original ones. You may also remove or alter entire lines if needed — when you're done save your work and share it with our community — have fun!
Johnny's got something to say
Says he'll say it someday
Has to go away for a year
Away from his family
He was always young
And they were always old
No one listens anyway
So he'll move away
Bring you down
Now he's got a brand new home
I knew he'd get it some way
Living in another place
Away from his homeland
But he was always wrong
And they were always right
At least that's what they like to think
Open your minds
Bring you down
He doesn't want to go away
But how can he stay?
Doesn't want to leave this life
But life doesn't pay
But he was always right
And they were always wrong
It's just that they're too blind to see
Open your eyes
Bring you down
Johnny's got something to say
Says he'll say it someday
Has to go away for a year
Away from his family
He was always young
And they were always old
No one listens anyway
So he'll move away
Bring you down
Now he's got a brand new home
I knew he'd get it some way
Living in another place
Away from his homeland
But he was always wrong
And they were always right
At least that's what they like to think
Open your minds
Bring you down
He doesn't want to go away
But how can he stay?
Doesn't want to leave this life
But life doesn't pay
But he was always right
And they were always wrong
It's just that they're too blind to see
Open your eyes
Bring you down