Song parody of
On the Shores of Lanikai, 1944
by Fur Trader
Here's where you get creative! Use our cool song parody creator to make a totally new musical idea and lyrics for the On the Shores of Lanikai, 1944 song by Fur Trader.
Simply click on any word to get rhyming words suggestion to use instead of the original ones. You may also remove or alter entire lines if needed — when you're done save your work and share it with our community — have fun!
It's '44
I'm full of war and bored in Waikiki
My dorsal fin is out for blood again
Oh the shape of her
Oh great processor
I'm still processing your alcohol
There's blood on the beach
Picture me
Pixelated like the sea
Starting a family
No idea why
Blood-red booze
My mainland blues, I'm drunk on Diamond Head
Kiss my fist
Whose dream is this
On the shores of Lanikai?
Oh the face on her
Oh great numberer
I'm still countin' on some miracle
There's blood on the beach
Picture me
Pixelated like the sea
Starting a family
No idea why
Asleep on the beach
She picked me
It's pixelated but I think I see
Started a family
I'm not telling why
It's '44
I'm full of war and bored in Waikiki
My dorsal fin is out for blood again
Oh the shape of her
Oh great processor
I'm still processing your alcohol
There's blood on the beach
Picture me
Pixelated like the sea
Starting a family
No idea why
Blood-red booze
My mainland blues, I'm drunk on Diamond Head
Kiss my fist
Whose dream is this
On the shores of Lanikai?
Oh the face on her
Oh great numberer
I'm still countin' on some miracle
There's blood on the beach
Picture me
Pixelated like the sea
Starting a family
No idea why
Asleep on the beach
She picked me
It's pixelated but I think I see
Started a family
I'm not telling why