Song parody of
by Standard Demand
Here's where you get creative! Use our cool song parody creator to make a totally new musical idea and lyrics for the Kerfuffle song by Standard Demand.
Simply click on any word to get rhyming words suggestion to use instead of the original ones. You may also remove or alter entire lines if needed — when you're done save your work and share it with our community — have fun!
Took me to a party that was out of town
Shitfaced as I was, I burned the fucking house down
Twenty minutes later, I don't know where I am
This annoying ass dude is screaming "Run while you can!"
Another day, another dollar
Tried to put a short leash on my collar
It's so hard to find the answer
Do like me, look back in anger
Now I'm the car, handcuffs and all
Maybe I should drink less alcohol
Maybe I should do what mama said
Say a little prayer, go back to bed
Another day another dollar
Tried to put a short leash on my collar
It's so hard to find the answer
Do like me, look back in anger
A pair of bloodshot eyes
And a couple of the pretty little lies
It's all that you need to be
A perfect little asshole just like me
Took me to a party that was out of town
Shitfaced as I was, I burned the fucking house down
Twenty minutes later, I don't know where I am
This annoying ass dude is screaming "Run while you can!"
Another day, another dollar
Tried to put a short leash on my collar
It's so hard to find the answer
Do like me, look back in anger
Now I'm the car, handcuffs and all
Maybe I should drink less alcohol
Maybe I should do what mama said
Say a little prayer, go back to bed
Another day another dollar
Tried to put a short leash on my collar
It's so hard to find the answer
Do like me, look back in anger
A pair of bloodshot eyes
And a couple of the pretty little lies
It's all that you need to be
A perfect little asshole just like me