Song parody of
IV. Conscience Does Make Cowards
Here's where you get creative! Use our cool song parody creator to make a totally new musical idea and lyrics for the IV. Conscience Does Make Cowards song by ANARCHY.
Simply click on any word to get rhyming words suggestion to use instead of the original ones. You may also remove or alter entire lines if needed — when you're done save your work and share it with our community — have fun!
The thousand natural shocks
Must we suffer?
Such is the path we walk
Life grows tougher
Will toil be outweighed?
Best to persist?
Or is the cooler shade
To not exist?
Is to be to suffer?
Time casts strife asunder in
Human emotion's game
Let the emotions play
In hopes that we may
See what conscience brings
The guilt of a king
Just watch how he cowers
Praying sin be scoured
Faithless worshiping
Won't negate thy undoing
Let the emotions play
In hopes that we may
See what conscience brings
The guilt of a king
Just watch how he cowers
Praying sin be scoured
Faithless worshiping
Spare your breath
Hark! The raven sings
And churns organs to rupture
Ventricular clutch
Malice aforethought
Martyrs have been basking in the sin
A blade ambivalent
Yet speaking daggers
Apprehensive negligence
With purpose shattered
Crossfire unto Cain
Bloodied mirror
Is loss to be in vain?
Is ultion nearer?
Can faithful be our mother?
Strife casts lives asunder in
Human emotions
Human emotion's game
The thousand natural shocks
Must we suffer?
Such is the path we walk
Life grows tougher
Will toil be outweighed?
Best to persist?
Or is the cooler shade
To not exist?
Is to be to suffer?
Time casts strife asunder in
Human emotion's game
Let the emotions play
In hopes that we may
See what conscience brings
The guilt of a king
Just watch how he cowers
Praying sin be scoured
Faithless worshiping
Won't negate thy undoing
Let the emotions play
In hopes that we may
See what conscience brings
The guilt of a king
Just watch how he cowers
Praying sin be scoured
Faithless worshiping
Spare your breath
Hark! The raven sings
And churns organs to rupture
Ventricular clutch
Malice aforethought
Martyrs have been basking in the sin
A blade ambivalent
Yet speaking daggers
Apprehensive negligence
With purpose shattered
Crossfire unto Cain
Bloodied mirror
Is loss to be in vain?
Is ultion nearer?
Can faithful be our mother?
Strife casts lives asunder in
Human emotions
Human emotion's game