Song parody of
Pleasure, Pain
by Taenia
Here's where you get creative! Use our cool song parody creator to make a totally new musical idea and lyrics for the Pleasure, Pain song by Taenia.
Simply click on any word to get rhyming words suggestion to use instead of the original ones. You may also remove or alter entire lines if needed — when you're done save your work and share it with our community — have fun!
Take your time
Let yourself feel
Let go
Watch the blood run thick
Am I just sick?
It's my choice to pick
Keep me wrapped in it's warm embrace
This sickness toils with my head
But I can't stand to leave it behind
Dancing with blade
dancing with the blade
What move will I make
Take your time
Let yourself feel
Let go
Watch the blood run thick
Am I just sick?
It's my choice to pick
I hate to admit
The hurt is my comfort
Pain oh pain
Why are you my safe place?
Take your time
Let yourself feel
Let go
Watch the blood run thick
Am I just sick?
It's my choice to pick
I hate to admit
The hurt is my comfort
Pain oh pain
Why are you my safe place?
I tried
My best
Will I
Find the answers
Take your time
Let yourself feel
Let go
Watch the blood run thick
Am I just sick?
It's my choice to pick
Keep me wrapped in it's warm embrace
This sickness toils with my head
But I can't stand to leave it behind
Dancing with blade
dancing with the blade
What move will I make
Take your time
Let yourself feel
Let go
Watch the blood run thick
Am I just sick?
It's my choice to pick
I hate to admit
The hurt is my comfort
Pain oh pain
Why are you my safe place?
Take your time
Let yourself feel
Let go
Watch the blood run thick
Am I just sick?
It's my choice to pick
I hate to admit
The hurt is my comfort
Pain oh pain
Why are you my safe place?
I tried
My best
Will I
Find the answers