Song parody of
Devil's Dream
by Elephants From Neptune
Here's where you get creative! Use our cool song parody creator to make a totally new musical idea and lyrics for the Devil's Dream song by Elephants From Neptune.
Simply click on any word to get rhyming words suggestion to use instead of the original ones. You may also remove or alter entire lines if needed — when you're done save your work and share it with our community — have fun!
Sister solace, oh
She made a promise
In the nightshade
As the light fades away
Magic circles
Drawn into the canyon
Smoke's ascending
And sickle's bending for more
Belladonna, do you wanna
Spend this night with me?
Oh, touched by the devils dream
She said: it's not over yet, stay with me
Oh, touched by the devil's dream
She said: things ain't what they seem
If you don't dare to dream
Maleficium, oh
On a mission
Mass hysteria
Apophenia at large
Stakes are burnin'
Heads a-turnin'
Looking at the mirror
Holding her head
Go, in the name of devil, go
Don't stop flying in the shadows alone
Twilight sleeping in a house of stone
Baby, are you ready, are you ready for more?
Oh, touched by the devils dream
She said: it's not over yet, stay with me
Oh, touched by the devil's dream
She said: things ain't what they seem
If you don't dare to dream
Sister solace, oh
She made a promise
In the nightshade
As the light fades away
Magic circles
Drawn into the canyon
Smoke's ascending
And sickle's bending for more
Belladonna, do you wanna
Spend this night with me?
Oh, touched by the devils dream
She said: it's not over yet, stay with me
Oh, touched by the devil's dream
She said: things ain't what they seem
If you don't dare to dream
Maleficium, oh
On a mission
Mass hysteria
Apophenia at large
Stakes are burnin'
Heads a-turnin'
Looking at the mirror
Holding her head
Go, in the name of devil, go
Don't stop flying in the shadows alone
Twilight sleeping in a house of stone
Baby, are you ready, are you ready for more?
Oh, touched by the devils dream
She said: it's not over yet, stay with me
Oh, touched by the devil's dream
She said: things ain't what they seem
If you don't dare to dream