Song parody of
Lay Your Burden Down
by Missing Airman
Here's where you get creative! Use our cool song parody creator to make a totally new musical idea and lyrics for the Lay Your Burden Down song by Missing Airman.
Simply click on any word to get rhyming words suggestion to use instead of the original ones. You may also remove or alter entire lines if needed — when you're done save your work and share it with our community — have fun!
I see your face
Your style
And your grace
All of that erased and gone
Around the world we've run
Never had such fun
Sitting in the evening sun
And now its gone
You can spend a lifetime out on the horizon
Or you can find what you're looking for
Standing right here
Lay your burden down
Lay your burden down
Lay your burden down
On me
Once in every lifetime
Everything must go
Won't be here tomorrow
When it gone it's gone
I could see the light out on the horizon
I can see the light out at sea
Lay your burden down
Lay your burden down
Lay your burden down
On me
Lay your burden down
Lay your burden down
Lay your burden down
On me
For your love I would stay
For your love I wouldn't walk away
For your love
For your love
For your love
I see your face
Your style
And your grace
All of that erased and gone
Around the world we've run
Never had such fun
Sitting in the evening sun
And now its gone
You can spend a lifetime out on the horizon
Or you can find what you're looking for
Standing right here
Lay your burden down
Lay your burden down
Lay your burden down
On me
Once in every lifetime
Everything must go
Won't be here tomorrow
When it gone it's gone
I could see the light out on the horizon
I can see the light out at sea
Lay your burden down
Lay your burden down
Lay your burden down
On me
Lay your burden down
Lay your burden down
Lay your burden down
On me
For your love I would stay
For your love I wouldn't walk away
For your love
For your love
For your love