Song parody of
My Heart
by Missing Airman
Here's where you get creative! Use our cool song parody creator to make a totally new musical idea and lyrics for the My Heart song by Missing Airman.
Simply click on any word to get rhyming words suggestion to use instead of the original ones. You may also remove or alter entire lines if needed — when you're done save your work and share it with our community — have fun!
There is a jumping
Up in my heart
There is a jumping
Up in my heart
I really don't know
What I'm going to do
I really don't know
What I'm going to do
Coz there is a jumping
Up in my heart
There is a jumping
Up in my heart
I looked on the internet
I know I shouldn't
They said that I could die
But then again who couldn't
There is a jumping
Up in my heart
There is a jumping
Up in my heart
They put me in an ambulance
And took me away
They put me on a gurney
And took me up a ward
Then a beautiful women
Stood at my bed
And she said
There is jumping
Up in the heart
There is a jumping
Up in the heart
Here is a list of things
That might cause it
But we won't know
Till we cauterise it
There is jumping
Up in the heart
There is a jumping
Up in the heart
There is a jumping
There is a jumping
Up in my heart
There is a jumping
Up in my heart
I really don't know
What I'm going to do
I really don't know
What I'm going to do
Coz there is a jumping
Up in my heart
There is a jumping
Up in my heart
I looked on the internet
I know I shouldn't
They said that I could die
But then again who couldn't
There is a jumping
Up in my heart
There is a jumping
Up in my heart
They put me in an ambulance
And took me away
They put me on a gurney
And took me up a ward
Then a beautiful women
Stood at my bed
And she said
There is jumping
Up in the heart
There is a jumping
Up in the heart
Here is a list of things
That might cause it
But we won't know
Till we cauterise it
There is jumping
Up in the heart
There is a jumping
Up in the heart
There is a jumping