Song parody of
by Perpetual Torment
Here's where you get creative! Use our cool song parody creator to make a totally new musical idea and lyrics for the Bloodlust song by Perpetual Torment.
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You look around at death in your eyes,
As you see the slaughter on the ground,
you run but can't see nothing safe,
all that's left is suffering and hate,
Return to carnage, and reap their half dead bodies
Can't tell if sanity is leaving, all you know is they'll stop breathing
There's no way its real, what it makes you feel,
No emotions is controlling, no remorse is retrieving,
Dead bodies, hung up high, by sharp dark twigs
Grabbing the sliced up corpses
You look around at death in your eyes,
As you see the slaughter on the ground,
you run but can't see nothing safe,
all that's left is suffering and hate,
Return to carnage, and reap their half dead bodies
Can't tell if sanity is leaving, all you know is they'll stop breathing
There's no way its real, what it makes you feel,
No emotions is controlling, no remorse is retrieving,
Dead bodies, hung up high, by sharp dark twigs
Grabbing the sliced up corpses