Song parody of
She's in My Shoe
by Dave MacKay
Here's where you get creative! Use our cool song parody creator to make a totally new musical idea and lyrics for the She's in My Shoe song by Dave MacKay.
Simply click on any word to get rhyming words suggestion to use instead of the original ones. You may also remove or alter entire lines if needed — when you're done save your work and share it with our community — have fun!
She's in my heart
She's in my brain
She's in the clouds
She's in the rain
The windows down
Radio's on
cnd on every station
She's in the song
There's a lion in the lion's den
There's a fountain flowing from my pen
There's a road that I walk
cnd she's walking it with me, too
She's in my shoe
I tell myself
This could be worse
This could be a blessing, baby
Dressed as a curse
The samurai
Keeps an open wound
Now I know why
I've got one too
I know that time
Will do its thing
My winter heart
Will warm with spring
cnd when it thaws
cnd floods my eyes
I will sail her lifeboat
To the other side
She's in my heart
She's in my brain
She's in the clouds
She's in the rain
The windows down
Radio's on
cnd on every station
She's in the song
There's a lion in the lion's den
There's a fountain flowing from my pen
There's a road that I walk
cnd she's walking it with me, too
She's in my shoe
I tell myself
This could be worse
This could be a blessing, baby
Dressed as a curse
The samurai
Keeps an open wound
Now I know why
I've got one too
I know that time
Will do its thing
My winter heart
Will warm with spring
cnd when it thaws
cnd floods my eyes
I will sail her lifeboat
To the other side