Song parody of
Corn Does Grow
by Dave MacKay
Here's where you get creative! Use our cool song parody creator to make a totally new musical idea and lyrics for the Corn Does Grow song by Dave MacKay.
Simply click on any word to get rhyming words suggestion to use instead of the original ones. You may also remove or alter entire lines if needed — when you're done save your work and share it with our community — have fun!
ct the corn ranch
We forget more than we know
But we know more than we think
If we only learn to listen
To the song that's in our hearts
Not the voice that's in our heads
Cuz the corn is where it starts
cnd the corn is where it ends
cnd the corn does grow
cnd the corn does grow
cnd if you didn't, now you know
That the corn does grow
ct the corn ranch
It's alright if we don't see
Eye to eye on everything
We don't have to share a vision
Cuz the water's gonna flow
You and I may disagree
Where the water wants to go
Que sera, sera, baby
I'm betting on the
Sun to shine tomorrow
I'm betting on the rain to fall
Giving my paycheck
Back to mother nature
To sort through it all
ct the corn ranch
We don't have no flag to wave
We don't have no face to save
We don't have no ammunition
We just row our little boat
Ever gently down the stream
If the truth is gonna float
Then the lie is gonna sink
ct the corn ranch
We forget more than we know
But we know more than we think
If we only learn to listen
To the song that's in our hearts
Not the voice that's in our heads
Cuz the corn is where it starts
cnd the corn is where it ends
cnd the corn does grow
cnd the corn does grow
cnd if you didn't, now you know
That the corn does grow
ct the corn ranch
It's alright if we don't see
Eye to eye on everything
We don't have to share a vision
Cuz the water's gonna flow
You and I may disagree
Where the water wants to go
Que sera, sera, baby
I'm betting on the
Sun to shine tomorrow
I'm betting on the rain to fall
Giving my paycheck
Back to mother nature
To sort through it all
ct the corn ranch
We don't have no flag to wave
We don't have no face to save
We don't have no ammunition
We just row our little boat
Ever gently down the stream
If the truth is gonna float
Then the lie is gonna sink