Song parody of
Dad's TV
by The Employees
Here's where you get creative! Use our cool song parody creator to make a totally new musical idea and lyrics for the Dad's TV song by The Employees.
Simply click on any word to get rhyming words suggestion to use instead of the original ones. You may also remove or alter entire lines if needed — when you're done save your work and share it with our community — have fun!
Affection is hard to give when the receiver does not accept
The feelings and passion deep inside the place they are kept
Crying, screaming, throwing up my insides on the floor
Just waiting for them to come along and break down this door
She said, "I don't know why you tried"
It's not like our hearts could ever collide
I don't know how to read a lie
The only thing I'm good at is crying all the time
Don't let me drown
I'm sinking further down
The only thing that's left from us are the lies made in this town
Don't let me drown
I'm developing a frown
Kill me, kill me, kill me with the soil from the ground
Don't let me drown
I'm sinking further down
The only thing that's left from us are the lies made in this town
Don't let me drown
I'm developing a frown
Kill me, kill me, kill me with the soil from the ground
Affection is hard to give when the receiver does not accept
The feelings and passion deep inside the place they are kept
Crying, screaming, throwing up my insides on the floor
Just waiting for them to come along and break down this door
She said, "I don't know why you tried"
It's not like our hearts could ever collide
I don't know how to read a lie
The only thing I'm good at is crying all the time
Don't let me drown
I'm sinking further down
The only thing that's left from us are the lies made in this town
Don't let me drown
I'm developing a frown
Kill me, kill me, kill me with the soil from the ground
Don't let me drown
I'm sinking further down
The only thing that's left from us are the lies made in this town
Don't let me drown
I'm developing a frown
Kill me, kill me, kill me with the soil from the ground