Song parody of
by static leech
Here's where you get creative! Use our cool song parody creator to make a totally new musical idea and lyrics for the Visions song by static leech.
Simply click on any word to get rhyming words suggestion to use instead of the original ones. You may also remove or alter entire lines if needed — when you're done save your work and share it with our community — have fun!
The only one to see
Feels like a reverie
Backward's all I want
(I could see them align)
Enough to hold the sea
Feels like a memory
Caught me asleep on a thought
Visions unveiling their arms
(I see)
I can see them align
(Could it be that you're always in motions ?)
Hazy steps, delusive mind
(Hard to tell it feels always new)
Craving a skin for the night
(I keep seeing lights)
Could it be that there's always a new one
I could tell it was always you
Falling off of the clouds that I sure love
Caught me asleep on a thought
(I see)
Visions unveiling their arms
Arising through the walls
I can see them align
(Could it be that you're always in motions ?)
Hazy steps, delusive mind
(Hard to tell it feels always blue)
Craving a skin for the night
Ease me
Still I sway
The only one to see
Feels like a reverie
Backward's all I want
(I could see them align)
Enough to hold the sea
Feels like a memory
Caught me asleep on a thought
Visions unveiling their arms
(I see)
I can see them align
(Could it be that you're always in motions ?)
Hazy steps, delusive mind
(Hard to tell it feels always new)
Craving a skin for the night
(I keep seeing lights)
Could it be that there's always a new one
I could tell it was always you
Falling off of the clouds that I sure love
Caught me asleep on a thought
(I see)
Visions unveiling their arms
Arising through the walls
I can see them align
(Could it be that you're always in motions ?)
Hazy steps, delusive mind
(Hard to tell it feels always blue)
Craving a skin for the night
Ease me
Still I sway