Song parody of
Never Could Be Any Other Way
by gas station.
Here's where you get creative! Use our cool song parody creator to make a totally new musical idea and lyrics for the Never Could Be Any Other Way song by gas station..
Simply click on any word to get rhyming words suggestion to use instead of the original ones. You may also remove or alter entire lines if needed — when you're done save your work and share it with our community — have fun!
Paint the mirror green
To hear your soulless scream
Expediting your loathing lecture
And to be in between
True love and misery
Is a luxury we can't afford
Why did it take you so long to say that
Leaning on a weak wall in hopes that
You won't hear anything but his voice screaming
It's the "i wanna be"'s
That say, "do this for me"
Never putting in the effort
I guess what's mine is yours
Does that settle the score?
Or do you even want more from me?
Why did it take you so long to say that
Leaning on a weak wall in hopes that
You won't hear anything but his voice screaming
Why did it take you so long to say that
Leaning on a weak wall in hopes that
You won't hear anything but his voice screaming
Why did it take you so long to say that
Leaning on a weak wall in hopes that
Paint the mirror green
To hear your soulless scream
Expediting your loathing lecture
And to be in between
True love and misery
Is a luxury we can't afford
Why did it take you so long to say that
Leaning on a weak wall in hopes that
You won't hear anything but his voice screaming
It's the "i wanna be"'s
That say, "do this for me"
Never putting in the effort
I guess what's mine is yours
Does that settle the score?
Or do you even want more from me?
Why did it take you so long to say that
Leaning on a weak wall in hopes that
You won't hear anything but his voice screaming
Why did it take you so long to say that
Leaning on a weak wall in hopes that
You won't hear anything but his voice screaming
Why did it take you so long to say that
Leaning on a weak wall in hopes that