Song parody of
Elvis & I
by Lake Blake, Recess Radio
Here's where you get creative! Use our cool song parody creator to make a totally new musical idea and lyrics for the Elvis & I song by Lake Blake, Recess Radio.
Simply click on any word to get rhyming words suggestion to use instead of the original ones. You may also remove or alter entire lines if needed — when you're done save your work and share it with our community — have fun!
Elvis and I
We stayed up all night
And he told me things
That he shouldn't have said
Like how he'd cried
Almost every night
But he'd hide it inside
Then he'd smile for the world
He said "People are mean
Once they get what they need
So hold on to that dream
And don't let them in between"
I just wanna
I just wanna
I just wanna
I just wanna
I just wanna
I just wanna
I just wanna
I just wanna
I just wanna
I just wanna
I just wanna
I just wanna
I just wanna
I just wanna
I just wanna
Elvis and I
We went out on the town
And we talked about why
Everyone's got me down
He said "I will not mind
If you breakdown and cry
But just notice how I
Am the one on your side"
And he says
"People can deceive
I know exactly what you've seen
They'll try to take your soul away
They did the same to me
Blake my only lesson is
To stand on your two feet
And stomp them on their neck
And then enjoy it while they bleed"
I just wanna
I just wanna
I just wanna
I just wanna
I just wanna
I just wanna
I just wanna
I just wanna
I just wanna
I just wanna
I just wanna
I just wanna
I just wanna
I just wanna
I just wanna
Elvis and I
We stayed up all night
And he told me things
That he shouldn't have said
Like how he'd cried
Almost every night
But he'd hide it inside
Then he'd smile for the world
He said "People are mean
Once they get what they need
So hold on to that dream
And don't let them in between"
I just wanna
I just wanna
I just wanna
I just wanna
I just wanna
I just wanna
I just wanna
I just wanna
I just wanna
I just wanna
I just wanna
I just wanna
I just wanna
I just wanna
I just wanna
Elvis and I
We went out on the town
And we talked about why
Everyone's got me down
He said "I will not mind
If you breakdown and cry
But just notice how I
Am the one on your side"
And he says
"People can deceive
I know exactly what you've seen
They'll try to take your soul away
They did the same to me
Blake my only lesson is
To stand on your two feet
And stomp them on their neck
And then enjoy it while they bleed"
I just wanna
I just wanna
I just wanna
I just wanna
I just wanna
I just wanna
I just wanna
I just wanna
I just wanna
I just wanna
I just wanna
I just wanna
I just wanna
I just wanna
I just wanna