Song parody of
by Standard Demand
Here's where you get creative! Use our cool song parody creator to make a totally new musical idea and lyrics for the Midnight song by Standard Demand.
Simply click on any word to get rhyming words suggestion to use instead of the original ones. You may also remove or alter entire lines if needed — when you're done save your work and share it with our community — have fun!
Game time
I lost my mind
Gotta give it all up
I'ma take what's mine
You can fake a smile
You can count your money
Ain't gonna work on a wild child, honey
That's right
Don't you know
We come alive at midnight
(We come alive at midnight)
Don't you know
We're gonna tear the place down
Cause it feels right
Straight outta hell and back, yeah
The devil said I'm a damn maniac
I'ma fill my cup
I'ma burn that money
Cause that's how we do it on the wild side, honey
That's right
Don't you know
We come alive at midnight
(We come alive at midnight)
Don't you know
We're gonna tear the place down
Cause it feels right
Don't you know
We come alive at midnight
Don't you know
We're gonna tear the place down
Game time
I lost my mind
Gotta give it all up
I'ma take what's mine
You can fake a smile
You can count your money
Ain't gonna work on a wild child, honey
That's right
Don't you know
We come alive at midnight
(We come alive at midnight)
Don't you know
We're gonna tear the place down
Cause it feels right
Straight outta hell and back, yeah
The devil said I'm a damn maniac
I'ma fill my cup
I'ma burn that money
Cause that's how we do it on the wild side, honey
That's right
Don't you know
We come alive at midnight
(We come alive at midnight)
Don't you know
We're gonna tear the place down
Cause it feels right
Don't you know
We come alive at midnight
Don't you know
We're gonna tear the place down