Song parody of
by Crowned Guilty
Here's where you get creative! Use our cool song parody creator to make a totally new musical idea and lyrics for the Epoch song by Crowned Guilty.
Simply click on any word to get rhyming words suggestion to use instead of the original ones. You may also remove or alter entire lines if needed — when you're done save your work and share it with our community — have fun!
Looking at me
Looking at myself
Gilded chains I made
I cannot break them by myself
As time
Goes by
The dust it chokes my lungs
Up in my throat
I feel it coming in the epoch
Need time
To rest my head
To chase my ghosts
I feel it coming in the epoch
As time
Goes by
The dust it chokes my lungs
Up in my throat
I feel it coming in the epoch
Need time
To rest my head
To chase my ghosts
I feel it coming in the epoch
And I stand at the edge
Looking out over the cliff
My head is heavy
I just want to close my eyes
I know I cannot stay
Where I am
I've got to keep on moving now
The cards I have are set
I'm not a gambling man
But I know when I've got a winning hand
Eyes looking forward
Ain't looking back
I've lived the pain
And I'm done with that
I've got the focus
To keep my eyes on
All that's left is
To bring me that horizon
Eyes looking forward
Ain't looking back
I've lived the pain
And I'm done with that
I've got the focus
To keep my eyes on
All that's left is
To bring me the horizon
This time
I've tried
This step I take
Will take me over the edge
Yeah but things are looking different
Am alive
I've come back stronger
I am harder hitting
I've replaced the parts
That I have found were missing
This is the coming of the epoch
This is the coming of the epoch
This is the coming of the epoch
This is the coming of my epoch
Looking at me
Looking at myself
Gilded chains I made
I cannot break them by myself
As time
Goes by
The dust it chokes my lungs
Up in my throat
I feel it coming in the epoch
Need time
To rest my head
To chase my ghosts
I feel it coming in the epoch
As time
Goes by
The dust it chokes my lungs
Up in my throat
I feel it coming in the epoch
Need time
To rest my head
To chase my ghosts
I feel it coming in the epoch
And I stand at the edge
Looking out over the cliff
My head is heavy
I just want to close my eyes
I know I cannot stay
Where I am
I've got to keep on moving now
The cards I have are set
I'm not a gambling man
But I know when I've got a winning hand
Eyes looking forward
Ain't looking back
I've lived the pain
And I'm done with that
I've got the focus
To keep my eyes on
All that's left is
To bring me that horizon
Eyes looking forward
Ain't looking back
I've lived the pain
And I'm done with that
I've got the focus
To keep my eyes on
All that's left is
To bring me the horizon
This time
I've tried
This step I take
Will take me over the edge
Yeah but things are looking different
Am alive
I've come back stronger
I am harder hitting
I've replaced the parts
That I have found were missing
This is the coming of the epoch
This is the coming of the epoch
This is the coming of the epoch
This is the coming of my epoch