Song parody of
by Taenia
Here's where you get creative! Use our cool song parody creator to make a totally new musical idea and lyrics for the Fear song by Taenia.
Simply click on any word to get rhyming words suggestion to use instead of the original ones. You may also remove or alter entire lines if needed — when you're done save your work and share it with our community — have fun!
I have seen the end
The formless void
Where time is obsolete and existence is absent
The memory of life has perished
There is no heaven
There is no hell
There will be no one
Close your eyes
Close your eyes
Close your eyes
There is nothing
Yet still I stand here within the emptiness
And my still beating heart has yet to cease
Will it end? The void? The loneliness?
I have hoped but to no avail
Eternity, within nothing
I know that I am alone, yet I fear that something lurks
Around me
Within me
What is to become
What has become of I
My eyes are restless, and I have no
words to utter
But still I stand Here
I have seen the end
The formless void
Where time is obsolete and existence is absent
The memory of life has perished
There is no heaven
There is no hell
There will be no one
Close your eyes
Close your eyes
Close your eyes
There is nothing
Yet still I stand here within the emptiness
And my still beating heart has yet to cease
Will it end? The void? The loneliness?
I have hoped but to no avail
Eternity, within nothing
I know that I am alone, yet I fear that something lurks
Around me
Within me
What is to become
What has become of I
My eyes are restless, and I have no
words to utter
But still I stand Here