Song parody of
Con Migo
Here's where you get creative! Use our cool song parody creator to make a totally new musical idea and lyrics for the Con Migo song by NAOMI III.
Simply click on any word to get rhyming words suggestion to use instead of the original ones. You may also remove or alter entire lines if needed — when you're done save your work and share it with our community — have fun!
Oye Mamacita I need you tonight
Not for a little just for a bite
Not septic
I need a doctor
To help me quick
Move those hips close to mine
I wanna feel you so mighty fine
Baila despacito
Un poquito
Te quiero mucho
Baila con migo
I wanna feel you
Right by con migo
Let's dance together
You and me
I wanna dance baby
So swiftly
Baila con migo
Baila con migo
Ella es una chica
Muy bonita
Muy hermosa
Yo me encanta
Mi corazoncita
Mi tiernita
Un besito
Yo me necesitas
Cómo estás en éste nochecita
Mami linda
Yo estoy buscando alguien a
Baila con migo
I wanna feel you
Right by con migo
Let's dance together
You and me
I wanna dance baby
So swiftly
Baila con migo
Baila con migo
Playing me dirty
Kissing you like a prophecy
Making moves to the beat
The Lord knows I'm praying
Cause you got me tied up on your Hennessy
Cause you got me tied up on your Hennessy
Baila con migo
I wanna feel you
Right by con migo
Let's dance together
You and me
I wanna dance baby
So swiftly
Baila con migo
Baila con migo
Oye Mamacita I need you tonight
Not for a little just for a bite
Not septic
I need a doctor
To help me quick
Move those hips close to mine
I wanna feel you so mighty fine
Baila despacito
Un poquito
Te quiero mucho
Baila con migo
I wanna feel you
Right by con migo
Let's dance together
You and me
I wanna dance baby
So swiftly
Baila con migo
Baila con migo
Ella es una chica
Muy bonita
Muy hermosa
Yo me encanta
Mi corazoncita
Mi tiernita
Un besito
Yo me necesitas
Cómo estás en éste nochecita
Mami linda
Yo estoy buscando alguien a
Baila con migo
I wanna feel you
Right by con migo
Let's dance together
You and me
I wanna dance baby
So swiftly
Baila con migo
Baila con migo
Playing me dirty
Kissing you like a prophecy
Making moves to the beat
The Lord knows I'm praying
Cause you got me tied up on your Hennessy
Cause you got me tied up on your Hennessy
Baila con migo
I wanna feel you
Right by con migo
Let's dance together
You and me
I wanna dance baby
So swiftly
Baila con migo
Baila con migo