Song parody of
Young Catch a Fade (feat. .beni)
by Sol Patches
Here's where you get creative! Use our cool song parody creator to make a totally new musical idea and lyrics for the Young Catch a Fade (feat. .beni) song by Sol Patches.
Simply click on any word to get rhyming words suggestion to use instead of the original ones. You may also remove or alter entire lines if needed — when you're done save your work and share it with our community — have fun!
Moments lovely
Moving me falling lovely
Who but the stars could love me
I was looking for all the trouble
Keeping your mind above me
Peepers jeepers be the
Creatures don't know what we do either
Double the level of huddle
I'm changing all of my absence
Don't call me
All when I'm passing
Dilemas of fallen angels
I changed my whole angle
With the wound of your ankle
Shackled in my all thinking
What the fuck was thinking
You needed me in seeing
What distance is keepping
Seperation of life line
You chose the right
With the wrongs on both sides
My mind flies time ten
And then we do it all again
Somethings gotta give
I put leaves on your grave
Somethings gotta give
We been out on this wave
Somethings gotta give
Till the young catch a fade
Till the young catch a fade
Somethings gotta give
I put leaves on your graves
Somethings gotta give
We been out on this wave
Somethings gotta give
Till the young catch a fade
Till the young catch a fade
Somethings gotta give
I put leaves on your graves
Somethings gotta give
We been out on this wave
Somethings gotta give
Till the young catch a fade
We don't cap for da opps
Dis a slow blow death
Dis induce my stress
Dis dat oops my bad
Kiss my cat like dat
Dis dat break yo Back
Eating Cake
Let me bake
Dis a fate on wax
Dissipate on cap
Now you gone look at that
Nothingness on god
Put this on my sad side
All my haters love
How I get my vibes vorbs
Gay cuddles pink bubbles
Rose peddles
No metal
Flow sicker than dead leather oh gosh
Moments lovely
Moving me falling lovely
Who but the stars could love me
I was looking for all the trouble
Keeping your mind above me
Peepers jeepers be the
Creatures don't know what we do either
Double the level of huddle
I'm changing all of my absence
Don't call me
All when I'm passing
Dilemas of fallen angels
I changed my whole angle
With the wound of your ankle
Shackled in my all thinking
What the fuck was thinking
You needed me in seeing
What distance is keepping
Seperation of life line
You chose the right
With the wrongs on both sides
My mind flies time ten
And then we do it all again
Somethings gotta give
I put leaves on your grave
Somethings gotta give
We been out on this wave
Somethings gotta give
Till the young catch a fade
Till the young catch a fade
Somethings gotta give
I put leaves on your graves
Somethings gotta give
We been out on this wave
Somethings gotta give
Till the young catch a fade
Till the young catch a fade
Somethings gotta give
I put leaves on your graves
Somethings gotta give
We been out on this wave
Somethings gotta give
Till the young catch a fade
We don't cap for da opps
Dis a slow blow death
Dis induce my stress
Dis dat oops my bad
Kiss my cat like dat
Dis dat break yo Back
Eating Cake
Let me bake
Dis a fate on wax
Dissipate on cap
Now you gone look at that
Nothingness on god
Put this on my sad side
All my haters love
How I get my vibes vorbs
Gay cuddles pink bubbles
Rose peddles
No metal
Flow sicker than dead leather oh gosh