Song parody of
Not Eazy
by Sol Patches
Here's where you get creative! Use our cool song parody creator to make a totally new musical idea and lyrics for the Not Eazy song by Sol Patches.
Simply click on any word to get rhyming words suggestion to use instead of the original ones. You may also remove or alter entire lines if needed — when you're done save your work and share it with our community — have fun!
I don't look any more foolish
Than the next person you see
I don't look any more foolish
Than the next person you see
You see
What saying is easy
I love with no remorse
No regrets
Choke my neck
I leave the beat
On a MIA
Damn I say
Can I say
Aint Signature
Be mature
Use rap on pizza from lil ceasers
Now my jaws are jeepers creepers
I'm stalking your allegiance
To my compromised demons
I'm feeding on the top
When my pain is at the bottom
Walking through Gotham Autumn
Concreate new yorker problem
The train is late Wait
I'm twenty five away
I'm an hour away
Around the corner for today
I'll meet you on the way
I'll be there in a second
This line ain't running either
I gotta take shuttle
It's a date
I don't look any more foolish
Than the next person you see
You see
You see
What I'm saying is easy
What I'm saying is easy
I don't look any more foolish
Than the next person you see
I don't look any more foolish
Than the next person you see
You see
What saying is easy
I love with no remorse
No regrets
Choke my neck
I leave the beat
On a MIA
Damn I say
Can I say
Aint Signature
Be mature
Use rap on pizza from lil ceasers
Now my jaws are jeepers creepers
I'm stalking your allegiance
To my compromised demons
I'm feeding on the top
When my pain is at the bottom
Walking through Gotham Autumn
Concreate new yorker problem
The train is late Wait
I'm twenty five away
I'm an hour away
Around the corner for today
I'll meet you on the way
I'll be there in a second
This line ain't running either
I gotta take shuttle
It's a date
I don't look any more foolish
Than the next person you see
You see
You see
What I'm saying is easy
What I'm saying is easy