Song parody of
The Building Blocks of Life (Something's Moving By Itself)
by The Fishpie Sky
Here's where you get creative! Use our cool song parody creator to make a totally new musical idea and lyrics for the The Building Blocks of Life (Something's Moving By Itself) song by The Fishpie Sky.
Simply click on any word to get rhyming words suggestion to use instead of the original ones. You may also remove or alter entire lines if needed — when you're done save your work and share it with our community — have fun!
The Building Blocks of Life perform their miracles
The Building Blocks of Life perform their miracles
Inside a cell full of organic molecules
The helices of code
The sequences of life and hope
Fatty Lipids form themselves
Into cellular membranes
Enzymes work hard inside
To speed up chemical change
To the plan of the DNA strand
At the centre of a cell
And if you look in real close
Something's moving by itself
The Building Blocks of Life perform their miracles
Then the DNA polymerase
Another enzyme full of tricks
Travels up and down the length
Of the DNA double helix
Duplicating as it goes
The cell wall pinches itself
Down the middle it separates
To form another cell
The Building Blocks of Life perform their miracles
Heroic carbon chains
Organic molecules
The helices of code
The sequences of life and hope
If you look in real close
Something's moving by itself
If you look in real close
Something's moving by itself
If you look in real close
Something's moving by itself
If you look in real close
Something's moving by itself
The Building Blocks of Life
Perform their miracles
The Building Blocks of Life perform their miracles
The Building Blocks of Life perform their miracles
Inside a cell full of organic molecules
The helices of code
The sequences of life and hope
Fatty Lipids form themselves
Into cellular membranes
Enzymes work hard inside
To speed up chemical change
To the plan of the DNA strand
At the centre of a cell
And if you look in real close
Something's moving by itself
The Building Blocks of Life perform their miracles
Then the DNA polymerase
Another enzyme full of tricks
Travels up and down the length
Of the DNA double helix
Duplicating as it goes
The cell wall pinches itself
Down the middle it separates
To form another cell
The Building Blocks of Life perform their miracles
Heroic carbon chains
Organic molecules
The helices of code
The sequences of life and hope
If you look in real close
Something's moving by itself
If you look in real close
Something's moving by itself
If you look in real close
Something's moving by itself
If you look in real close
Something's moving by itself
The Building Blocks of Life
Perform their miracles