Song parody of
by Taenia
Here's where you get creative! Use our cool song parody creator to make a totally new musical idea and lyrics for the Parasite song by Taenia.
Simply click on any word to get rhyming words suggestion to use instead of the original ones. You may also remove or alter entire lines if needed — when you're done save your work and share it with our community — have fun!
What's my story you ask?
It's simple, nothing ever lasts
Obsessed with suicide
Something to null my mind
I watch myself from the outside
I watch them distort my mind
Back and forth in my head
But right now I'd rather die
No one to blame but myself
This poison I adore
A fragment my mind
Lives within me but distorts my eyes
Feasting on me from the inside
It's my addiction
My very own parasite
I tried to run
The hands of the clock round me in circles
I'll let this precious parasite
Drain every inch of life
Reap my soul
Swallow me whole
Death Satiate me
Choke my neck
Let me hang
Watch the air slip from me
Let me hang
Melting my insides
Writhing get out of me
What's my story you ask?
It's simple, nothing ever lasts
Obsessed with suicide
Something to null my mind
I watch myself from the outside
I watch them distort my mind
Back and forth in my head
But right now I'd rather die
No one to blame but myself
This poison I adore
A fragment my mind
Lives within me but distorts my eyes
Feasting on me from the inside
It's my addiction
My very own parasite
I tried to run
The hands of the clock round me in circles
I'll let this precious parasite
Drain every inch of life
Reap my soul
Swallow me whole
Death Satiate me
Choke my neck
Let me hang
Watch the air slip from me
Let me hang
Melting my insides
Writhing get out of me