Song parody of
Middle (feat. Jason Fort, Rachel Fort)
by Rachael Thomas
Here's where you get creative! Use our cool song parody creator to make a totally new musical idea and lyrics for the Middle (feat. Jason Fort, Rachel Fort) song by Rachael Thomas.
Simply click on any word to get rhyming words suggestion to use instead of the original ones. You may also remove or alter entire lines if needed — when you're done save your work and share it with our community — have fun!
Walls cave in and you wonder why
Thoughts you've held back flood your mind
You feel uncertain
Where have I been all this time
Your prayers unspoken
Did I hear them deep inside
Take heart, believe
Rest here and see
In every forgotten place
I am there in the middle
I am there in the rubble
When ground underneath gives way
I won't break down and crumble
I don't run from the trouble
I am there in the middle
I am there in the middle
Doubts ring out in the dead of night
Your load is heavy but mine is light
I'll shoulder your sorrow and make it mine
In every forgotten place
I am there in the middle
I am there in the rubble
When ground underneath gives way
I won't break down and crumble
I don't run from the trouble
I am there in the middle
I am there in the middle
All this time I've been there
Felt your sighs, held your tears
Just take me by the hand I'll lead you
My compassions never fail I'll lead you
In every forgotten place
I am there in the middle
I am there in the rubble
When ground underneath gives way
I won't break down and crumble
I don't run from the trouble
I am there in the middle
I am there in the middle
Walls cave in and you wonder why
Thoughts you've held back flood your mind
You feel uncertain
Where have I been all this time
Your prayers unspoken
Did I hear them deep inside
Take heart, believe
Rest here and see
In every forgotten place
I am there in the middle
I am there in the rubble
When ground underneath gives way
I won't break down and crumble
I don't run from the trouble
I am there in the middle
I am there in the middle
Doubts ring out in the dead of night
Your load is heavy but mine is light
I'll shoulder your sorrow and make it mine
In every forgotten place
I am there in the middle
I am there in the rubble
When ground underneath gives way
I won't break down and crumble
I don't run from the trouble
I am there in the middle
I am there in the middle
All this time I've been there
Felt your sighs, held your tears
Just take me by the hand I'll lead you
My compassions never fail I'll lead you
In every forgotten place
I am there in the middle
I am there in the rubble
When ground underneath gives way
I won't break down and crumble
I don't run from the trouble
I am there in the middle
I am there in the middle