Song parody of
Never in control
by Soaring Collective
Here's where you get creative! Use our cool song parody creator to make a totally new musical idea and lyrics for the Never in control song by Soaring Collective.
Simply click on any word to get rhyming words suggestion to use instead of the original ones. You may also remove or alter entire lines if needed — when you're done save your work and share it with our community — have fun!
Tickling the surface
Stretching out to space
The world is breathing softly
With a warm and beating heart
Alone with everybody
But there's no space or time
Breaking backs from working the fields
Tickling the surface
After day becomes the night
After day becomes the night
The sun is still shining brightly
Fingers stretched and palms sweaty
Tickling the surface
I was never in control
I didn't know what I was doing
If this is wrong
I couldn't walk away
Eyes were on the prize I'd won
But nothing would have save them
All was grand
It could be wonderful
I didn't want to feel the pain
When tripping on the same wave
Here we are
Tickling the surface
Stretching out to space
Stretching out to space
If we're all wrong
This is beautiful
All that we've been searching for
Was hiding around revolving doors
Here we are
Tickling the surface
Stretching out to space
The world is breathing softly
With a warm and beating heart
Alone with everybody
But there's no space or time
Breaking backs from working the fields
Tickling the surface
After day becomes the night
After day becomes the night
The sun is still shining brightly
Fingers stretched and palms sweaty
Tickling the surface
I was never in control
I didn't know what I was doing
If this is wrong
I couldn't walk away
Eyes were on the prize I'd won
But nothing would have save them
All was grand
It could be wonderful
I didn't want to feel the pain
When tripping on the same wave
Here we are
Tickling the surface
Stretching out to space
Stretching out to space
If we're all wrong
This is beautiful
All that we've been searching for
Was hiding around revolving doors
Here we are