Song parody of
The Way, the Truth, and the Hyde
by Test Silence and John Glass
Here's where you get creative! Use our cool song parody creator to make a totally new musical idea and lyrics for the The Way, the Truth, and the Hyde song by Test Silence and John Glass.
Simply click on any word to get rhyming words suggestion to use instead of the original ones. You may also remove or alter entire lines if needed — when you're done save your work and share it with our community — have fun!
Hello, Mister Glass
This is the last track
It's another recording
There's no going back
I would really love it if we could scratch that
I'm a little self-conscious about what I lack
If only I could find a way to phrase it all
But my words are falling out like nonsensical bombs
Had a moments glory
Felt the spirit move
I was sure that I could hear it from the living room
Doubled down on the ground
Lungs underneath
And the window's turned into a slot machine
Wish I could successfully recover the fall
But my body's just a vessel for nonsensical songs
Hello, Mister Glass
This is the last track
It's another recording
There's no going back
I would really love it if we could scratch that
I'm a little self-conscious about what I lack
If only I could find a way to phrase it all
But my words are falling out like nonsensical bombs
Had a moments glory
Felt the spirit move
I was sure that I could hear it from the living room
Doubled down on the ground
Lungs underneath
And the window's turned into a slot machine
Wish I could successfully recover the fall
But my body's just a vessel for nonsensical songs