Song parody of
Ben Gibbard & the Lizard Wizard
by Test Silence and John Glass
Here's where you get creative! Use our cool song parody creator to make a totally new musical idea and lyrics for the Ben Gibbard & the Lizard Wizard song by Test Silence and John Glass.
Simply click on any word to get rhyming words suggestion to use instead of the original ones. You may also remove or alter entire lines if needed — when you're done save your work and share it with our community — have fun!
Want more time just between the two of us
It's conjuring emotions I didn't know were possible
But now I do
Just a product of my time with you
We've been here before
True affection misdirected others before
We've been here before
Stumbling from nervousness
But not anymore
God knows moments are hard to hold
And I know your time is valuable
Let's spare the car ride home
And talk specifics in the morning
Compose a sentimental text only to delete it
I'm not sure how you would take it
Or if I even mean it
Express it free:
Wish I could kiss you like the movies
We've been here before
True affection misdirected others before
We've been here before
Stumbling from nervousness
But not anymore
God knows moments are hard to hold
And I know your time is valuable
Let's spare the car ride home
And talk specifics in the morning
Too early for the sun
Too early to go home
Too early for the sun
Too early to go home
God knows moments are hard to hold
And I know your time is valuable
Let's spare the car ride home
And talk specifics in the morning
God knows moments are hard to hold
And I know your time is valuable
Let's spare the car ride home
And talk specifics in the morning
Want more time just between the two of us
It's conjuring emotions I didn't know were possible
But now I do
Just a product of my time with you
We've been here before
True affection misdirected others before
We've been here before
Stumbling from nervousness
But not anymore
God knows moments are hard to hold
And I know your time is valuable
Let's spare the car ride home
And talk specifics in the morning
Compose a sentimental text only to delete it
I'm not sure how you would take it
Or if I even mean it
Express it free:
Wish I could kiss you like the movies
We've been here before
True affection misdirected others before
We've been here before
Stumbling from nervousness
But not anymore
God knows moments are hard to hold
And I know your time is valuable
Let's spare the car ride home
And talk specifics in the morning
Too early for the sun
Too early to go home
Too early for the sun
Too early to go home
God knows moments are hard to hold
And I know your time is valuable
Let's spare the car ride home
And talk specifics in the morning
God knows moments are hard to hold
And I know your time is valuable
Let's spare the car ride home
And talk specifics in the morning