Song parody of
Take Heart In The Dark
by Neil Turpin
Here's where you get creative! Use our cool song parody creator to make a totally new musical idea and lyrics for the Take Heart In The Dark song by Neil Turpin.
Simply click on any word to get rhyming words suggestion to use instead of the original ones. You may also remove or alter entire lines if needed — when you're done save your work and share it with our community — have fun!
I saw the demon
In the sky
Fluttering wings like
A butterfly
And now the rain knocks
On the window
As the streetlights
Wear their halos
And the cat
Yawns a sigh of defeat
She says to me
"You're already beat
So don't
Step out into the light
Just take heart in the dark
In the dark
In the dark"
The stake in society
Eluded me
But it isn't all that
It's cracked up to be
And I saw the demon
In the sky
And she said
"Don't step out into the light
Just take heart in the dark
Don't step out into the light
Just take heart in the dark"
I saw the demon
In the sky
Fluttering wings like
A butterfly
And now the rain knocks
On the window
As the streetlights
Wear their halos
And the cat
Yawns a sigh of defeat
She says to me
"You're already beat
So don't
Step out into the light
Just take heart in the dark
In the dark
In the dark"
The stake in society
Eluded me
But it isn't all that
It's cracked up to be
And I saw the demon
In the sky
And she said
"Don't step out into the light
Just take heart in the dark
Don't step out into the light
Just take heart in the dark"