Song parody of
by Leaf Deposit
Here's where you get creative! Use our cool song parody creator to make a totally new musical idea and lyrics for the Wait...what? song by Leaf Deposit.
Simply click on any word to get rhyming words suggestion to use instead of the original ones. You may also remove or alter entire lines if needed — when you're done save your work and share it with our community — have fun!
Woke up too early
Another day
You're way past worry
You're not okay
Take off
In your mind you scoff
Pay no mind
As you're going blind
When you think of
All the times that you passed out
At home
You could go out to stock up
Though the bills ain't gonna wait for
Your shot
When you think of
All the money it would cost to
Fix up
Wait, what?
Take off
In your mind you scoff
Pay no mind
As you're going blind
When you think of
All the money it would cost to
Fix up
While the kids are getting worried
But their future is so worth
The drop
Woke up too early
Another day
You're way past worry
You're not okay
Take off
In your mind you scoff
Pay no mind
As you're going blind
When you think of
All the times that you passed out
At home
You could go out to stock up
Though the bills ain't gonna wait for
Your shot
When you think of
All the money it would cost to
Fix up
Wait, what?
Take off
In your mind you scoff
Pay no mind
As you're going blind
When you think of
All the money it would cost to
Fix up
While the kids are getting worried
But their future is so worth
The drop