Song parody of
the HOlY GrAil
by the KrYst
Here's where you get creative! Use our cool song parody creator to make a totally new musical idea and lyrics for the the HOlY GrAil song by the KrYst.
Simply click on any word to get rhyming words suggestion to use instead of the original ones. You may also remove or alter entire lines if needed — when you're done save your work and share it with our community — have fun!
I'm holding onto
This Holiest of Grails
I've came too far to
Just to let slip right out of My frail hands...
Demons pursue Me...
And the angels are leading Me astray...
This evil destiny, is set over The of Flesh of Me...
So I'll hang Me out to die...
Yah... I'll let it burn until first light...
Yah... I'll let it burn until the night...
Turn now inward...
My Little One
Come come
Come seek The Answer...
Find The Mystery inside
Turn now to Me...
My Little, Light...
Come, come
Come to The Voice
Whispering inside...
Demons pursue Me...
And the angels they are leading Me home...
This evil destiny, is set over The of Flesh of Me...
I'll hang Me out to dry...
Drink from Me!
Let My Life become Divine!
Let The Gnosis inside!
Drink from Me!
A Spirit as A Word!
Let The Godhead now emerge!
Let The Life shine perfect Light!
Now breathe!
In Me...
Yah, this treasure of Mine
They hide...
But I've had it aof My Life...
I've opened this trove inside...
I've drank from The Cup on The Right
Drink from Me...
Let My Life become Divine
Let The Gnosis inside
Drink from Me...
A Spirit as A Word...
Let The Godhead now emerge.
Let The Life shine perfect Light.
Now breathe...
Now breathe...
Now breathe!
("So that I may Become... You")
I'm holding onto
This Holiest of Grails
I've came too far to
Just to let slip right out of My frail hands...
Demons pursue Me...
And the angels are leading Me astray...
This evil destiny, is set over The of Flesh of Me...
So I'll hang Me out to die...
Yah... I'll let it burn until first light...
Yah... I'll let it burn until the night...
Turn now inward...
My Little One
Come come
Come seek The Answer...
Find The Mystery inside
Turn now to Me...
My Little, Light...
Come, come
Come to The Voice
Whispering inside...
Demons pursue Me...
And the angels they are leading Me home...
This evil destiny, is set over The of Flesh of Me...
I'll hang Me out to dry...
Drink from Me!
Let My Life become Divine!
Let The Gnosis inside!
Drink from Me!
A Spirit as A Word!
Let The Godhead now emerge!
Let The Life shine perfect Light!
Now breathe!
In Me...
Yah, this treasure of Mine
They hide...
But I've had it aof My Life...
I've opened this trove inside...
I've drank from The Cup on The Right
Drink from Me...
Let My Life become Divine
Let The Gnosis inside
Drink from Me...
A Spirit as A Word...
Let The Godhead now emerge.
Let The Life shine perfect Light.
Now breathe...
Now breathe...
Now breathe!
("So that I may Become... You")