Song parody of
Get Away
by Document
Here's where you get creative! Use our cool song parody creator to make a totally new musical idea and lyrics for the Get Away song by Document.
Simply click on any word to get rhyming words suggestion to use instead of the original ones. You may also remove or alter entire lines if needed — when you're done save your work and share it with our community — have fun!
I can't think of a way
I try just seem to fail
I called them on the wire
Lost hope and my desire
Hey hey
Get away
Hey hey
Never thought it would change
Called back, made me insane
Broke down, crashed on the floor
Get back into your hole
Get back into you hole
Settle down into your arms
Settle down into your heart
Understand that sometimes it all goes wrong
In between, fall asleep way to deep
You and I have fought this war so long
To be free, fallacy in my dream
There's too much to disclose
Got lost in all the forms
This list goes on and on
I sink into the void
Hey hey
Get away
Hey hey
Understand that sometimes you don't belong
In between, fall asleep way to deep
You and I will break out and run somehow
To be free, fallacy in my dream
I can't think of a way
I try just seem to fail
I called them on the wire
Lost hope and my desire
I can't think of a way
I try just seem to fail
I called them on the wire
Lost hope and my desire
Hey hey
Get away
Hey hey
Never thought it would change
Called back, made me insane
Broke down, crashed on the floor
Get back into your hole
Get back into you hole
Settle down into your arms
Settle down into your heart
Understand that sometimes it all goes wrong
In between, fall asleep way to deep
You and I have fought this war so long
To be free, fallacy in my dream
There's too much to disclose
Got lost in all the forms
This list goes on and on
I sink into the void
Hey hey
Get away
Hey hey
Understand that sometimes you don't belong
In between, fall asleep way to deep
You and I will break out and run somehow
To be free, fallacy in my dream
I can't think of a way
I try just seem to fail
I called them on the wire
Lost hope and my desire