Song parody of
Ignorance is Malice
by Hong Kong Pouch
Here's where you get creative! Use our cool song parody creator to make a totally new musical idea and lyrics for the Ignorance is Malice song by Hong Kong Pouch.
Simply click on any word to get rhyming words suggestion to use instead of the original ones. You may also remove or alter entire lines if needed — when you're done save your work and share it with our community — have fun!
This is gonna be a hard one to get out
The lump in my throat keeps sticking in my mouth
You take the secret of life and you put in your pants and you forget that its there
I keep my ear to the door
I keep my back to the wall
I keep my face to the floor
Who blacks the boots of success
Who made a war of this mess
The last man sits on the throne with his tongue in the chalice
They practice ignorance as malice
I keep my ear to the door
I keep my back to the wall
I keep my face to the floor
You shouldn't have answered the call
And you're so easily led
This cage is built for you
You know I heard what they said
And yeah some of it was true
I keep my ear to the door
I keep my back to the wall
I keep my face to the floor
You shouldn't have answered the call
This is gonna be a hard one to get out
The lump in my throat keeps sticking in my mouth
You take the secret of life and you put in your pants and you forget that its there
I keep my ear to the door
I keep my back to the wall
I keep my face to the floor
Who blacks the boots of success
Who made a war of this mess
The last man sits on the throne with his tongue in the chalice
They practice ignorance as malice
I keep my ear to the door
I keep my back to the wall
I keep my face to the floor
You shouldn't have answered the call
And you're so easily led
This cage is built for you
You know I heard what they said
And yeah some of it was true
I keep my ear to the door
I keep my back to the wall
I keep my face to the floor
You shouldn't have answered the call