Song parody of
by p6
Here's where you get creative! Use our cool song parody creator to make a totally new musical idea and lyrics for the Eighteen song by p6.
Simply click on any word to get rhyming words suggestion to use instead of the original ones. You may also remove or alter entire lines if needed — when you're done save your work and share it with our community — have fun!
Familiar quiet plops itself
Upon our civic afternoon
Reach down to fetch a lemonade
From the porch's knotty, cork-filled grin
Kitty darts across my lawn
In plain pursuit of nothing
A gleam from the Edsel slips right by
As an acorn dives into the freshly paved parkway
Johnny sits upon a curb
Watching leaf canoes drift by
And off, somewhere, a mockingbird
Celebrates the clearing sky
School bus pulls up and sighs relief
Another demon gone
And Johnny's day is a little brighter
Skip on home with the big kids, John!
Wake up to screams of neighbors' kids
And mouth is mighty dry
A fresh new patch of piercing green
Brings landlord into mind
Add a hole to this old house
The flies have got to go
Across the way a mother cries
Around her men in black take notes
Familiar quiet plops itself
Upon our civic afternoon
Reach down to fetch a lemonade
From the porch's knotty, cork-filled grin
Kitty darts across my lawn
In plain pursuit of nothing
A gleam from the Edsel slips right by
As an acorn dives into the freshly paved parkway
Johnny sits upon a curb
Watching leaf canoes drift by
And off, somewhere, a mockingbird
Celebrates the clearing sky
School bus pulls up and sighs relief
Another demon gone
And Johnny's day is a little brighter
Skip on home with the big kids, John!
Wake up to screams of neighbors' kids
And mouth is mighty dry
A fresh new patch of piercing green
Brings landlord into mind
Add a hole to this old house
The flies have got to go
Across the way a mother cries
Around her men in black take notes