Song parody of
Cochran's Zoo
by p6
Here's where you get creative! Use our cool song parody creator to make a totally new musical idea and lyrics for the Cochran's Zoo song by p6.
Simply click on any word to get rhyming words suggestion to use instead of the original ones. You may also remove or alter entire lines if needed — when you're done save your work and share it with our community — have fun!
Drove out to the zoo today
To watch them funky monkeys play
The fat one was a dude named Reuben
Who laughed at us and puffed a Cuban
Welcome to the Cochran Zoo
Come one, come all
Red, White and Blue
But bring a mop
We're slinging slop
Just think of all the fat we'll chew
After lunch, our main desire
Was mocking swine in their own mire
The thin one leaned against a rail
And marveled at my curly tail
That is quite enough from you
It's clear to us
Your funds are through
Please do unbend
The silly grin
You now belong to Cochran's Zoo
Drove out to the zoo today
To watch them funky monkeys play
The fat one was a dude named Reuben
Who laughed at us and puffed a Cuban
Welcome to the Cochran Zoo
Come one, come all
Red, White and Blue
But bring a mop
We're slinging slop
Just think of all the fat we'll chew
After lunch, our main desire
Was mocking swine in their own mire
The thin one leaned against a rail
And marveled at my curly tail
That is quite enough from you
It's clear to us
Your funds are through
Please do unbend
The silly grin
You now belong to Cochran's Zoo