Song parody of
by Northern Diver
Here's where you get creative! Use our cool song parody creator to make a totally new musical idea and lyrics for the Spooks song by Northern Diver.
Simply click on any word to get rhyming words suggestion to use instead of the original ones. You may also remove or alter entire lines if needed — when you're done save your work and share it with our community — have fun!
Spooks on stilts- my guide
Through open light, through open light
Blinded solar hue
I run from you, I run from you
I've been running farther and farther since I swallowed up the moon
Push it down, it's shining brighter, and it leads me back to you
Hand by hand I climb
Through rock and sky
To crack the night
I've been running farther and farther since I swallowed up the moon
Push it down, it's shining brighter, and it leads me back to you
I've been running farther and farther since I swallowed up the moon
Push it down, it's shining brighter, and it leads me back to you
And on the pedestal
I felt my lungs collapse, as I began to die
Beneath the parasol of thunderclaps
My life, relieved of its disguise- and it was nothing
Spooks on stilts- my guide
Through open light, through open light
Blinded solar hue
I run from you, I run from you
I've been running farther and farther since I swallowed up the moon
Push it down, it's shining brighter, and it leads me back to you
Hand by hand I climb
Through rock and sky
To crack the night
I've been running farther and farther since I swallowed up the moon
Push it down, it's shining brighter, and it leads me back to you
I've been running farther and farther since I swallowed up the moon
Push it down, it's shining brighter, and it leads me back to you
And on the pedestal
I felt my lungs collapse, as I began to die
Beneath the parasol of thunderclaps
My life, relieved of its disguise- and it was nothing