Song parody of

lowest common denominator

by Abdullah Siddiqui

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We're double-dutching dropped ropes And I'm too young for this feeling But we're still here and I've lost hope John looks down at me I touch his feet I look across at your grin So full of glee I don't know why But I contain it My face is red I can't explain it I guess that's all I'll ever see Your lowest common denominator sensibilities But I'll stay 'cause your fun is a need of mine, I bet It's as close as I can get It's as close as I can get You can't be alone with me, I know You hug me weird, you get this feeling It's been a decade of these tropes You look through the screen It's all so blurred I can't make sense of you I call you absurd Guess I know why You can't contain it Your tears roll down I can't sustain it I guess that's all I'll ever see Your lowest common denominator sensibilities I can't stay 'cause your peace is a need of mine, I bet It's as far as I can get It's as far as I can get I guess that's all I'll ever be An unrequited mess your skin will never have to clean But I'll stay 'cause your love is a need of mine, I bet It's as close as I can get It's as close as I can get

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lowest common denominator

176     1


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What is the Outfield's most popular song according to
A Since You've Been Gone
B Say It Isn't So
C All the Love in the World
D Your Love

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