Song parody of
Loom of Wills
by Knoll
Here's where you get creative! Use our cool song parody creator to make a totally new musical idea and lyrics for the Loom of Wills song by Knoll.
Simply click on any word to get rhyming words suggestion to use instead of the original ones. You may also remove or alter entire lines if needed — when you're done save your work and share it with our community — have fun!
Olde geloma ever entwining
Sui generis usor
Seven billion strings
Torturous lilt emanates the sinews
Discordant note adumbrates per us thralls
Luthier of innumerable arms
Analogous - magnapinnadae
Composer of sorrows
Wreather of marring weaves
Abets the vassals anent animus
Scythe to the sinews
Olde geloma ever entwining
Sui generis usor
Seven billion strings
Torturous lilt emanates the sinews
Discordant note adumbrates per us thralls
Luthier of innumerable arms
Analogous - magnapinnadae
Composer of sorrows
Wreather of marring weaves
Abets the vassals anent animus
Scythe to the sinews