Song parody of
Settle Down
by Document
Here's where you get creative! Use our cool song parody creator to make a totally new musical idea and lyrics for the Settle Down song by Document.
Simply click on any word to get rhyming words suggestion to use instead of the original ones. You may also remove or alter entire lines if needed — when you're done save your work and share it with our community — have fun!
We settle down
But it doesn't feels right
So go hang around
When you trying to see right
We shared our lies
Should have read the signs right
You shout it out
But it doesn't feels right
Wasted Hours
Locked inside this house
You'r trying to climb the walls
That could solve it all
I could hang around in the sun
Wasting all this time by your side
And I could blow the top off the ground
And I could hang around in the sun
Count the hours
From the towers
Moving mountains
Into oceans
Wasted hours
Wasted hours
Constant noise
From your voice
Wasted hours
Left behind
Still A lie
Think I'm fine
We settle down
But it doesn't feels right
So go hang around
When you trying to see right
We shared our lies
Should have read the signs right
You shout it out
But it doesn't feels right
Wasted Hours
Locked inside this house
You'r trying to climb the walls
That could solve it all
I could hang around in the sun
Wasting all this time by your side
And I could blow the top off the ground
And I could hang around in the sun
Count the hours
From the towers
Moving mountains
Into oceans
Wasted hours
Wasted hours
Constant noise
From your voice
Wasted hours
Left behind
Still A lie
Think I'm fine