Song parody of
Uranium Rounds
by Rube Goldberg
Here's where you get creative! Use our cool song parody creator to make a totally new musical idea and lyrics for the Uranium Rounds song by Rube Goldberg.
Simply click on any word to get rhyming words suggestion to use instead of the original ones. You may also remove or alter entire lines if needed — when you're done save your work and share it with our community — have fun!
Depleted uranium ammunition
Self sharpening artillery for every mission
Armor piercing properties, yeah
Nothin but a bit of collateral radioactivity
Endless war
Arms dealers, oil barons, religious fucking fanatics
Who has brought the terror? Let's talk semantics
There's gotta be a better way
There's gotta be a better way
There's gotta be a better way
Oh but Cerberus baby's got nuthin to say
White phosphorous fires in a sea of lead
Remote control
Death from the sky robot surprise
A valiant attempt to prevent genocide
Or a proxy war in an expensive disguise
Teach the machines to kill human beings
There's only one thing i see really guaranteed
Countless civilian casualties
Endless war
Everybody's favorite mob boss
And the world's greatest host of corporate fanatics
What's an arms race without target practice
There's gotta be a better way
There's gotta be a better way
There's gotta be a better way
Oh but Cerberus baby's got nothing to say
Uranium rounds in a sea of lead
What the fuck
What in the actual fucking hell
Depleted uranium ammunition
Self sharpening artillery for every mission
Armor piercing properties, yeah
Nothin but a bit of collateral radioactivity
Endless war
Arms dealers, oil barons, religious fucking fanatics
Who has brought the terror? Let's talk semantics
There's gotta be a better way
There's gotta be a better way
There's gotta be a better way
Oh but Cerberus baby's got nuthin to say
White phosphorous fires in a sea of lead
Remote control
Death from the sky robot surprise
A valiant attempt to prevent genocide
Or a proxy war in an expensive disguise
Teach the machines to kill human beings
There's only one thing i see really guaranteed
Countless civilian casualties
Endless war
Everybody's favorite mob boss
And the world's greatest host of corporate fanatics
What's an arms race without target practice
There's gotta be a better way
There's gotta be a better way
There's gotta be a better way
Oh but Cerberus baby's got nothing to say
Uranium rounds in a sea of lead
What the fuck
What in the actual fucking hell