Song parody of
Massacre of the Flies (feat. Kieran Scott)
by Mad Spanner
Here's where you get creative! Use our cool song parody creator to make a totally new musical idea and lyrics for the Massacre of the Flies (feat. Kieran Scott) song by Mad Spanner.
Simply click on any word to get rhyming words suggestion to use instead of the original ones. You may also remove or alter entire lines if needed — when you're done save your work and share it with our community — have fun!
Last summer, open window
There's dead birds
Rotting in close proximity
From the carcass, hundred insects
Flying all directions quite dizzily
Swarming vortex, in my room
Such a humming buzzing nightmare
Dilemma granted, whats the solution?
It's insecticidal warfare!
Vomiting and defecating
Musca Domestica posterior
Bacterial breeding site
Contaminated life renewal
Writhing maggots feasting veraciously
Hundreds, thousands, millions
Spreading pathogens, entirovirus
Viral Hepatitis!
I stand here with inaction
Conflicted, conscience grips me out of nowhere
I should not be, killing freely
Entomology I should prepare!
As I study, this fine swarm
A single housefly darts into my mouth!
A grossed out trigger
Pacifist disfigure
Time to take these little bastards out
Today, these flies die
Deodorant spray, open flame
Roasted husks onto the floor
Was it worth a half-burning house?
I'm fine with this massacre of the flies
I will not rest till these fucking housefly's die
Last summer, open window
There's dead birds
Rotting in close proximity
From the carcass, hundred insects
Flying all directions quite dizzily
Swarming vortex, in my room
Such a humming buzzing nightmare
Dilemma granted, whats the solution?
It's insecticidal warfare!
Vomiting and defecating
Musca Domestica posterior
Bacterial breeding site
Contaminated life renewal
Writhing maggots feasting veraciously
Hundreds, thousands, millions
Spreading pathogens, entirovirus
Viral Hepatitis!
I stand here with inaction
Conflicted, conscience grips me out of nowhere
I should not be, killing freely
Entomology I should prepare!
As I study, this fine swarm
A single housefly darts into my mouth!
A grossed out trigger
Pacifist disfigure
Time to take these little bastards out
Today, these flies die
Deodorant spray, open flame
Roasted husks onto the floor
Was it worth a half-burning house?
I'm fine with this massacre of the flies
I will not rest till these fucking housefly's die