Song parody of
Militant/Blame the Victim
by DeadStoolPigeon
Here's where you get creative! Use our cool song parody creator to make a totally new musical idea and lyrics for the Militant/Blame the Victim song by DeadStoolPigeon.
Simply click on any word to get rhyming words suggestion to use instead of the original ones. You may also remove or alter entire lines if needed — when you're done save your work and share it with our community — have fun!
Let all who will eat the bread of shame, I can not
Without complaining loud and long
The taste bitter in my throat and feeling to my very soul
It's wrong
For honest work you offer me poor pay
For honest dreams your spit is in my face
So my fist is clenched today
Blame the blacks for racism
Blame the jews for fascism
Blame Africa for civil war and starvation
Blame immigrants for the crisis
Union workers for high prices
It's the age old theatrical piece
Production for profit
Called: 'Blame The Victim'
They stigmatize you, they formalize you, they brutalize you. The system lies to you
They stigmatize you, they formalize you, they brutalize you. The system fucks with you
Let all who will eat the bread of shame, I can not
Without complaining loud and long
The taste bitter in my throat and feeling to my very soul
It's wrong
For honest work you offer me poor pay
For honest dreams your spit is in my face
So my fist is clenched today
Blame the blacks for racism
Blame the jews for fascism
Blame Africa for civil war and starvation
Blame immigrants for the crisis
Union workers for high prices
It's the age old theatrical piece
Production for profit
Called: 'Blame The Victim'
They stigmatize you, they formalize you, they brutalize you. The system lies to you
They stigmatize you, they formalize you, they brutalize you. The system fucks with you