Song parody of
The Garden
by Martin Storrow
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Time has gone like a rabbit in the snow
A gentle finger has tapped me on the shoulder and brought me here
After seven years of unseasonable cold
Back to the garden of my home
You were one with the worn winter leaves
You were one with the slow and gentle falling of the earth
After all the pain and all the silly things you’d heard
You still believed in every word
I don’t know much about angels
I only know that you believed
And there’s rosemary growing where the bare earth used to be
Pack of seeds and a warm place to land
A gentle breeze and a tiny little hand, yes you brought me here
Now tuck the earth around her, let her know that she’s at home
And then we wait for it to grow
We may not get to see the bounty
Or taste the fruit of every tree
But there’s rosemary growing where the bare earth used to be
Life could be simpler, year after year
When I’m forgetting, I’ll try to remember to come back here
Yes, the deeper that you dig, the higher you can grow
There’s always something more to know
I don’t know much about angels
I only know that I believe
And there’s rosemary growing where the bare earth used to be
Time has gone like a rabbit in the snow
A gentle finger has tapped me on the shoulder and brought me here
After seven years of unseasonable cold
Back to the garden of my home
You were one with the worn winter leaves
You were one with the slow and gentle falling of the earth
After all the pain and all the silly things you’d heard
You still believed in every word
I don’t know much about angels
I only know that you believed
And there’s rosemary growing where the bare earth used to be
Pack of seeds and a warm place to land
A gentle breeze and a tiny little hand, yes you brought me here
Now tuck the earth around her, let her know that she’s at home
And then we wait for it to grow
We may not get to see the bounty
Or taste the fruit of every tree
But there’s rosemary growing where the bare earth used to be
Life could be simpler, year after year
When I’m forgetting, I’ll try to remember to come back here
Yes, the deeper that you dig, the higher you can grow
There’s always something more to know
I don’t know much about angels
I only know that I believe
And there’s rosemary growing where the bare earth used to be