Song parody of
Here's where you get creative! Use our cool song parody creator to make a totally new musical idea and lyrics for the Medulla song by ZONAL.
Simply click on any word to get rhyming words suggestion to use instead of the original ones. You may also remove or alter entire lines if needed — when you're done save your work and share it with our community — have fun!
You can't kill me
I know I pushed myself out
But they didn't love me either
I was cut off from the answers
Dismissed like a phantom
Cryptic wrath directed toward the lack fearing
Maybe it was all a dream
A punchline on prime time
Maybe it was all a scheme
Herding the sheep of eight dreams
A smoke screen looking real as fuck
I can't touch
Out here alone, no one to back me up
No one to push my back up
Heat flash and death crashes
I guess the band gonna back me with that bullshit
So we dust out of orbit
I know the future gonna absorb it
Then I'm gonna be everywhere
In the air...
Spit this shit like I got a bounty on my head
On my head, motherfuckers
They want me dead, motherfuckers
Make sure you play the roles
Make sure you lose control
They make sure you lose control
You can't kill me
I know I pushed myself out
But they didn't love me either
I was cut off from the answers
Dismissed like a phantom
Cryptic wrath directed toward the lack fearing
Maybe it was all a dream
A punchline on prime time
Maybe it was all a scheme
Herding the sheep of eight dreams
A smoke screen looking real as fuck
I can't touch
Out here alone, no one to back me up
No one to push my back up
Heat flash and death crashes
I guess the band gonna back me with that bullshit
So we dust out of orbit
I know the future gonna absorb it
Then I'm gonna be everywhere
In the air...
Spit this shit like I got a bounty on my head
On my head, motherfuckers
They want me dead, motherfuckers
Make sure you play the roles
Make sure you lose control
They make sure you lose control