Song parody of
I Know You Know I Know
by Last Conservative
Here's where you get creative! Use our cool song parody creator to make a totally new musical idea and lyrics for the I Know You Know I Know song by Last Conservative.
Simply click on any word to get rhyming words suggestion to use instead of the original ones. You may also remove or alter entire lines if needed — when you're done save your work and share it with our community — have fun!
Watch me fall is this all
You're just waiting for a ride
Had a ball but now I crawl
'Cause it crippled me inside
Want to believe in you Tin man
But you're stealing all their hearts
Yeah you can get your sleep tonight
You can go without a fight
Here I drown until I get it right
I know you know I know
You get the dream behind my steam
My coattails are wearing thin
Walk the beam tonight I scream
I'll die before I give in
I want to forgive you Scarecrow
But you're killing me tonight
So you show through the driving snow
I guess I'm glad you're here
You don't know just what you owe
But the payment's due this year
Yeah it looks like I got me another
Judas here tonight
Watch me fall is this all
You're just waiting for a ride
Had a ball but now I crawl
'Cause it crippled me inside
Want to believe in you Tin man
But you're stealing all their hearts
Yeah you can get your sleep tonight
You can go without a fight
Here I drown until I get it right
I know you know I know
You get the dream behind my steam
My coattails are wearing thin
Walk the beam tonight I scream
I'll die before I give in
I want to forgive you Scarecrow
But you're killing me tonight
So you show through the driving snow
I guess I'm glad you're here
You don't know just what you owe
But the payment's due this year
Yeah it looks like I got me another
Judas here tonight