Song parody of
by Boxcar Willie
Here's where you get creative! Use our cool song parody creator to make a totally new musical idea and lyrics for the Fraulein song by Boxcar Willie.
Simply click on any word to get rhyming words suggestion to use instead of the original ones. You may also remove or alter entire lines if needed — when you're done save your work and share it with our community — have fun!
Far across the blue waters
Lives an old German's daughter
By the banks of the old river Rhine
Where I loved her and left her
But I can't forget her
'Cause I miss my pretty Fraulein
Fraulein, Fraulein
Look up toward the heavens each night
When the stars seem to shine
By the same stars above you
I swear that I love you
You are my pretty Fraulein
When my memories wander
Away over yonder
To the sweetheart that I left behind
In a moment of glory
A face comes before me
The face of my pretty Fraulein
Fraulein, Fraulein
Walk down by the river
Pretend that your hand's holding mine
By the same stars above you
I swear that I love you
Far across the blue waters
Lives an old German's daughter
By the banks of the old river Rhine
Where I loved her and left her
But I can't forget her
'Cause I miss my pretty Fraulein
Fraulein, Fraulein
Look up toward the heavens each night
When the stars seem to shine
By the same stars above you
I swear that I love you
You are my pretty Fraulein
When my memories wander
Away over yonder
To the sweetheart that I left behind
In a moment of glory
A face comes before me
The face of my pretty Fraulein
Fraulein, Fraulein
Walk down by the river
Pretend that your hand's holding mine
By the same stars above you
I swear that I love you